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The human body has been designed to resist an infinite number of changes and attacks brought about by its environment. The secret of good health lies in successful adjustment to changing stresses on the body.

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Vegetable Prices Double, While Wheat and Flour Prices Reach Historic High Last Week

The recent surge in vegetable prices, along with the unprecedented rise in wheat and flour prices, has become a cause

hammadmughal hammadmughal

Whopping WhatsApp Upgrade: E-Ocean’s Revolutionary Health Care Hits Agha Khan Hospital

In a groundbreaking move, E-Ocean partners with Agha Khan Hospital to revolutionize healthcare with WhatsApp services. This innovative partnership offers

Saba Sami Saba Sami

Flight Operations: Challenges Faced During Emergency Scenarios

Flight operations entail a plethora of responsibilities aimed at ensuring the safe and efficient movement of aircraft. However, when confronted

Saba Sami Saba Sami
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